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22 Settembre 2010


Alberto Campo Baeza. Stone, Light, Time
A new volume for the Lithos collection

Versione italiana

For many years architects of international prominence, who bring all along the stone material to the heart of their constructive poetry, have drawn their attention to the theme of stone exhibit design, reactivating the research on an exhibition typology that in the past was part of the emblematic representation of the way of thinking of entire generations of designers; just think about Mies van der Rohe’s pavilion in Barcelona.
Such phenomenon is due to the virtuous synergetic dynamics which have been created on the occasion of Marmomacc International Exhibition in Verona and which have involved the contemporary architectural culture and the world of stone firms.
As a matter of fact, during the latest editions of this international event, top designers such as Kengo Kuma, Claudio Silvestrin, Michele De Lucchi, Alberto Campo Baeza, Manuel Aires Mateus have signed the pavilions of important productive realities in the Italian stone sector, by creating stone designs of temporary but highly conceptual and formal value.
The MD_material design research laboratory, run by Alfonso Acocella at the Faculty of Architecture in Ferrara, has taken part, as a protagonist, in the creative and productive process of the pavilions, by looking after the relationship between designers and firms, coordinating the developing and communicative steps of the projects and documenting the results with a publishing collection created and entitled Lithos on purpose.
According to Libria publishing house habits, the series intends to emphasize these experiences with a collection of books, edited by university researchers and mainly aimed at an audience of scholars and designers. The editorial plan, which has arrived to its third edition, consists of some monographic contributes, each of which analyses the meta-planning features and the technical- constructive aspects of the different pavilions, suggesting a critical reading of the work that is set on the background of each architect’s “stone poetry”.
The latest volume of the collection, edited by Davide Turrini, is entitled “Alberto Campo Baeza. Stone, Light, Time” and is dedicated to La Idea Construida pavilion signed by the Spanish architect for the stone brand Pibamarmi.

The book opens with a chapter on the analysis of the stone architectures that Baeza has realized during more than twenty years of activity, from the Orihuela library to the Caja general de Ahorros in Granada, to the latest projects of stone buildings in Zamora and Samara. A second section approaches the pavilion theme and is accompanied by a wide photographic reportage. The last chapter quotes three interviews made by the author Davide Turrini to the designer during the last years. The volume concludes with an essay signed by Antonio Pizza, the architectural critic who has been studying Campo Baeza’s work since long time.

The book will be presented the 30th of September at the Marble Forum of Marmomacc International Exhibition.

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Alberto Campo Baeza
MD_material design

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