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28 Gennaio 2009



Versione italiana


Being from many years the protagonist of a unique creative experience based on the theme of geometrical intersections applied to the design of furniture and stuffed objects, Philippe Nigro is declining nowadays his research in the stone design activity giving life to Saturnia, a new line of elements for the bath furnishing produced by PIBA Marmi.
The exploration on the variations of compenetrated geometries, that can be seen as unusual metaphors of the current need of integration between different peoples and cultures, leads the designer to a particular transfiguration of the diagrammatic theory about mathematical sets: the concepts of membership, union, emptiness, subset, are translated into chains of neat and solid stone shapes. The consideration about the melting of social groups, individual destinies, languages and informative networks, leads to the conception of a completely renewed design, in which stone becomes a new material to play with in order to create light and dynamic compositions, sequences full of empty or filled surfaces that converge the one into the other, partially overlapping or completely superimposing, following a combinatory process aimed to continuously generate never-seen-before configurations.


As in a collage, a puzzle or a tangram, Philippe Nigro regenerates the conception of the stone material, dividing the solid mass into macro-pieces linked together and disposed in always different lying positions to form pairs or entire multiple sets of baths and shelves for the furnishing of the contemporary household space.
The official presentation of the Saturnia line is set to take place at the next editions of “Abitare il Tempo” and “Marmomacc” in Verona, but an exclusive preview – a prototype of a marble wash basin – will be presented at the PIBA Marmi pavilion from 4th to 7th February, 2009 during “MADE Expo” in Milan.


Philippe Nigro was born in Nice (France) in 1975. He got a degree in Industrial Design at Lyon University in France; then, in 1996, he won together with C. Gardet the Chaumont-sur-Loire garden design competition for the project of the experimental garden “Ailleurs”, and in 1997 he got a DSSA (Diplôme Superieur d’Arts Appliquès) on Industrial and Interior Design at Boulle School in Paris, after winning the Habitat competition for his lamp called “Flac”.
Since 1999 he has been collaborating with Michele De Lucchi, developing design projects of outside and inside furniture for Olivetti, Compaq, Siemens, Poltrona Frau, Artemide, Alias, Caimi, Banca Intesa, Unifor, Hera, Colombo and others. In 2004 he began working on the creation of two sofa lines, “Vega” and “Vertigo”, produced by Nube, and in 2005 on the “Spiral” shelf with underlined wood characteristics made for “Aides à Projet VIA 2005”. In 2006, together with De Lucchi, he designed “Sarissa” and “Tatlin” for Arteide and in 2007 he created the “Twist” armchair for Felicerossi.
In 2008 he created for “Aides à Projet VIA 2008” a new sofa system called “Intersection” and for Gate-08 “Market”, a fruit bowl made of Carrara marble. In 2009 he’s the designer for Ligne Roset of the new “Confluences” family, further evolution of the “Intersection” sofa line, and for VIA he’s creating the universal leg for Trèteaux tables and Twin-Chairs.
by Davide Turrini

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Philippe Nigro
PIBA Marmi

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